In pictures, this is what Fideus-AI does. On the left is the IP-Camera, on the right is what you see on your mobile phone:

After installing an IP-Camera on our front porch, I had the expectation that if I configure it to send me a picture if it detects a movement, I will see if a person is in front of our House. The problem was, anything from leaves blowing in the wind to a bird flying by was detected as a movement, and I was flooded with images not containing anything useful for me. So I decided to improve this. I created a software which can detect if a person is on a picture using artificial intelligence. I made the camera upload all of its detected pictures to the software, but only if a person is detected, the picture was pushed to my mobile phone instantly. This worked so well, that people started asking me if they could have that, too. So I sat down and after lots of hours of my free time Fideus-AI came to life.
My name is Adam Malik, I am an independent information technology professional and create software for my customers as a contractor. I have a master degree in computer science and live in Germany.

Meet Fideus-AI, an artificial intelligence assistant for your IP-Camera. Forget getting numerous wrong notifications of movements. Let Fideus-AI filter out the relevant ones, and get them instantly on your mobile phone.
Fideus-AI works with nearly all IP-Cameras. Upgrade your existing Camera with AI, it is really simple and a matter of minutes to get it up and running.
Steps to set up Fideus-AI:
- Register on this site
- Create login data for your IP-Cameras
- Configure your IP-Camera to upload detected images to Fideus-AI
- Test Fideus-AI for free for a Week
- If you like it, buy the basic plan for only 5 Euro per Month
- The basic plan checks up to 150,000 images per Month (a rate limit ensures that you will always have a full Month of service)
- You can add more than one Camera in the basic plan